Geology -- China -- Manchuria. : Daiichiji Manmō Gakujutsu Chōsa Kenkyūdan hōkoku = Report of the First Scientific Expedition to Manchoukuo under the leadership of Shigeyasu Tokunaga, June-October 1933 / henshu Daiichiji Manmō Gakujutsu Chōsa Kenkyūdan
Geology -- China -- Mu Us Desert : Advanced Water Injection for Low Permeability Reservoirs : Theory and Practice / Ran Xinquan ; translated by Xu Fangfu, Gu Daihong
Geology -- China -- Shanxi Sheng : Late Cenozoic Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, China : geology and fossil mammals. Volume I, History, geology, and magnetostratigraphy / edited by Richard H. Tedford, Zhan-Xiang Qiu, Lawrence Flynn
Geology -- China -- Tibet, Plateau of. : Chʻing-Tsang kao yüan ti chih ching kuan she ying tʻu chi / chu pien Wu Chʻi-ling ; fu chu pien Wang Wang Chʻeng-shan, Chang Chin-kuei = The photographic atlas of geological landscapes of Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau / editor in chief, Wu Qiling ; deputy editors in chief, Wang Chengshan, Zhang Jianggui
Geology -- Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) : A monograph of Christmas Island (Indian Ocean) : physical features and geology / by Charles W. Andrews ; with descriptions of the fauna and flora by numerous contributors
Geology -- Chukchi Sea Region : Tectonic evolution of the Bering Shelf-Chukchi Sea-Arctic Margin and adjacent landmasses / edited by Elizabeth L. Miller, Arthur Grantz and Simon L. Klemperer
Geology -- Classification. : Tetraktys : the system of the categories of natural science and its application to the geological sciences / L. E. Koch
Geology Coal Congresses : Landslides : in research, theory and practice : proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Landslides held in Cardiff on 26-30 June 2000 / edited by E. Bromhead, N. Dixon and M-L. Ibsen
Geology Coal Germany : Geology of coal deposits of South Limburg, the Netherlands : including adjacent German and Belgian areas / J.H.L. Voncken
Geology Coal Netherlands Limburg : Geology of coal deposits of South Limburg, the Netherlands : including adjacent German and Belgian areas / J.H.L. Voncken
Geology Coal New Zealand Southland : Summary of palynological investigations in the Ohai Coalfield and Wairaki Hills, Southland, 1985-1988 / J.I. Raine
Geology -- Dead Sea (Israel and Jordan) : The destruction of Sodom, Gomorrah, and Jericho : geological, climatological, and archaeological background / David Neev, K.O. Emery
Geology -- Developing countries. : Geosciences in development : proceedings of an International Conference on the Application of the Geosciences in Developing Countries, Nottingham, 26-29 September 1988 / edited by Dorrik A.V. Stow, Deryck J.C. Laming
Geology -- Developing countries -- Congresses. : Geosciences in development : proceedings of an International Conference on the Application of the Geosciences in Developing Countries, Nottingham, 26-29 September 1988 / edited by Dorrik A.V. Stow, Deryck J.C. Laming