Geology, Stratigraphic -- Quaternary -- Maps. : Quaternary map of the United Kingdom / made and published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, for the Institute of Geological Sciences ; compilation co-ordinated by E. A. Edmonds
Geology, Stratigraphic -- Research : Mesozoic resource potential in the southern Permian Basin / edited by B. Kilhams, Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij, the Netherlands, P.A. Kukla, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, S. Mazur, Getech, UK, T. McKie, Shell, UK, H.F. Mijnlieff, TNO, the Netherlands, and, K. van Ojik, Argo Geological Consultants, the Netherlands
Geology, Stratigraphic -- Study and teaching : Science essentials. Anthropocene : the age of humans impacting the Earth / produced by Jeff Yonis & Fred Gallo ; a Wonderscape Education production
Geology, Structural -- Adriatic Sea -- Congresses : The Adria microplate : GPS geodesy, tectonics and hazards / edited by Nicholas Pinter ... [et al. ; proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Adria Microplate: GPS Geodesy, Tectonics and Hazards, Veszprem, Hungary, April 4-7, 2004]
Geology, Structural -- Africa. : The African erosion surface : a continental-scale synthesis of geomorphology, tectonics, and environmental change over the past 180 million years / by Kevin Burke, Yanni Gunnell
Geology, Structural -- American Samoa. : Pacific Island landscapes : landscape and geological development of southwest Pacific Islands, especially Fiji, Samoa and Tonga / Patrick D. Nunn