Gene editing -- Government policy : International regulation of gene editing technologies in crops : current status and future trends / Lisa F. Clark, Jill E. Hobbs
Gene editing -- Law and legislation : Regulation of genome editing in human iPS cells : a comparative legal analysis of national regulatory frameworks for IPSC-based cell/gene therapies / Hans-Georg Dederer, Gregor Frenken, editors
Gene Editing -- methods : Manual of intracytoplasmic sperm injection in human assisted reproduction : with other advanced micromanipulation techniques to edit the genetic and cytoplasmic content of the oocyte / edited by Gianpiero D. Palermo, Zsolt Peter Nagy
Gene Editing -- standards : Human genome editing : science, ethics, and governance / Committee on Human Gene Editing: Scientific, Medical, and Ethical Considerations
Gene editing -- Technological innovations : Tailored humanity : a revolution in genetics / Altomedia presents with the participation of Planete+ ; un film écrit et réalisé par Etienne Blanchon et Carline Hocquard ; une coproduction, Altomedia
Gene Editing -- trends : Redesigning life : how genome editing will transform the world / John Parrington
A form of gene interaction whereby the expression of one gene interferes with or masks the expression of a different gene or genes. Genes whose expression interferes with or masks the effects of other genes are said to be epistatic to the effected genes. Genes whose expression is affected (blocked or masked) are hypostatic to the interfering genes
The erbB-2 gene is a proto-oncogene that codes for the erbB-2 receptor (RECEPTOR, ERBB-2), a protein with structural features similar to the epidermal growth factor receptor. Its name originates from the viral oncogene homolog (v-erbB) which is a truncated form of the chicken erbB gene found in the avian erythroblastosis virus. Overexpression and amplification of the gene is associated with a significant number of adenocarcinomas. The human c-erbB-2 gene is located at 17q21.2
Gene expression -- Analysis : Environmental DNA : for biodiversity research and monitoring / Pierre Taberlet, Aurélie Bonin, Lucie Zinger, Eric Coissac
Any of the processes by which nuclear, cytoplasmic, or intercellular factors influence the differential control of gene action during the developmental stages of an organism