Gaddis, John Lewis. We now know : An analysis of John Lewis Gaddis's We Now Know : Rethinking Cold War History / Scott Filfillan with Jason Xidias
Gaddis, Lella : Divided paths, common ground : the story of Mary Matthews and Lella Gaddis, pioneering Purdue women who introduced science into the home / Angie Klink
Gaddis, William, 1922-1998. Recognitions : Rewiring the real : in conversation with William Gaddis, Richard Powers, Mark Danielewski, and Don DeLillo / Mark C. Taylor
Gödel's theorem : Godel, Escher, Bach : an eternal golden braid / Douglas R. Hofstadter
Gadiformes. : Gadiform fishes of the world : order Gadiformes : an annotated and illustrated catalogue of cods, hakes, grenadiers, and other gadiform fishes known to date / prepared by Daniel M. Cohen ... [and others]
Gadiformes -- Catalogs and collections. : Gadiform fishes of the world : order Gadiformes : an annotated and illustrated catalogue of cods, hakes, grenadiers, and other gadiform fishes known to date / prepared by Daniel M. Cohen ... [and others]
Gadjerong (Australian people) : Miriuwung-Gajerrong cultural planning framework : Mirruwung and Gajerrong peoples' guidelines for developing management plans for conservation parks and nature reserves under the Ord final agreement / endorsed by Yoorooyang Dawang Regional Park Council ; presented by Mirruwung and Gajerrong peoples
Gadjerong (Australian people) -- Biography. : My country of the pelican dreaming : the life of an Australian Aborigine of the Gadjerong, Grant Ngabidj, 1904-1977 as told to Bruce Shaw