Friendship -- England : Almost adult / a Parallax picture in co-production with EuroArts Medien AG ; director, Yousaf Ali Khan ; producer, Sally Hibbin ; co-producer, Michael Reuter
Friendship -- England -- London : Migrant friendships in a super-diverse city : Russian-speakers and their social relationships in London in the 21st century / Darya Malyutina
Friendship -- Europe -- History : Friendship and love, ethics and politics : studies in mediaeval and early modern history / Eva Österberg
Friendship -- Europe -- History -- Congresses : Friendship and sociability in premodern Europe : contexts, concepts, and expressions / edited by Amyrose McCue Gill and Sarah Rolfe Prodan
Friendship -- Greece -- History -- To 1500 -- Congresses : Friendship in ancient Greek thought and literature : essays in honour of Chris Carey and Michael J. Edwards / edited by Athanasios Efstathiou, Jakub Filonik, Christos Kremmydas, Eleni Volonaki
Friendship -- History -- Congresses : Freundschaft oder "amitie"? : ein politisch-soziales Konzept der Vormoderne im zwischensprachlichen Vergleich (15.-17. Jahrhundert) / herausgegeben von Klaus Oschema
Friendship in adolescence -- Congresses. : The company they keep : friendship in childhood and adolescence / edited by William M. Bukowski, Andrew F. Newcomb, Willard W. Hartup
Friendship in adolescence -- Problems, exercises, etc : Teen friendship workbook : facilitator reproducible self-assessments, exercises & educational handouts / Ester A. Leutenberg & John J. Liptak, EdD ; Illustrated by Amy L. Brodsky, LISW-S
Friendship in children -- Congresses. : The company they keep : friendship in childhood and adolescence / edited by William M. Bukowski, Andrew F. Newcomb, Willard W. Hartup
Friendship in children -- England -- London : Britain's Biggest Primary School. Episode 3, Learning to Love / producers, Alice Mayhall, Kirsty Garland ; produced & directed by Clare Cameron