Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Violence and Silence -- The Theorists of Extermination -- The Spanish Church and the Civil War -- The Faces of Terror -- Grand Narratives, Collective Memory, and Social History -- "El documental es un arma cargada de pasado" -- Investigative Journalism as a Tool for Recovering Historical Memory -- Mass Graves on Spanish TV -- Testimonies of Repression -- Toward a Pragmatic Version of Memory -- The Weight of Memory and the Lightness of Oblivion -- Speaking for the Dead
Memory Politics among Perpetrators and Bereaved Relatives about Spain's Mass Graves -- The Rupture of the World and the Conflicts of Memory -- The Intimacy of Defeat -- The Grandsons of Their Grandfathers -- Works Cited -- About the Contributors -- Index
Unearthing Franco's Legacy addresses the debate in Spain resulting from the discovery and exhumation of mass graves created by General Francisco Franco during the Spanish Civil War
Includes bibliographical references (pages 345-371) and index