Franciscans -- Missions -- History : Franciscan Learning, Preaching and Mission, c. 1220-1650 : Cum scientia sit donum Dei, armatura ad defendendam sanctam fidem catholicam / by Bert Roest
Franciscans -- Missions -- Honduras -- Olancho -- History -- 20th century : The sufferings, assassinations, and martyrdom of the missionary church in Olancho, Honduras (1963-1982) : the history of a church that lived its commitment to the poor / Mary García ; translated from the original Spanish by Winifred Whelan ; with a prologue by Michel Piton
Franciscans Missions Oceania History : La Austrialia del Espíritu Santo : the journal of Fray Martin de Munilla, O.F.M., and other documents relating to the voyage of Pedro Fernández de Quirós to the South Sea (1605-1606) and the Franciscan Missionary Plan (1617-1627) / translated and edited by Celsus Kelly, with ethnological introduction, appendix, and other contributions by G.S. Parsonson
Franciscans -- Palestine : The Holy Land in observant Franciscan texts (c. 1480-1650) : theology, travel, and territoriality / by Marianne P. Ritsema van Eck
Franciscans -- Palestine -- History : The Holy Land and the early modern reinvention of Catholicism / Megan C. Armstrong, McMaster University
Franciscans -- Relations : Islam and Franciscanism : a dialogue / edited by, Daniel Dwyer and Hugh Hines
Franciscans -- Rules : The writings of Francis of Assisi : Rules, Testament, and Admonitions / edited by Michael W. Blastic, Jay M. Hammond, and J.A. Wayne Hellmann
Franciscans -- Rules -- Congresses : The Rule of the Friars Minor, 1209-2009 : historical perspectives, lived realities / series editor : Michael F. Cusato, O.F.M. ; volume editor : Daria Mitchell, O.S.F
Franciscans Terminal care Religious aspects : Dying, as a Franciscan : approaching our transitus to eternal life, accompanying others on the way to theirs / editor, Daria Mitchell
Franciscans -- Theology -- Congresses : Moral action in a complex world : Franciscan perspectives / Washington Theological Union Symposium papers, 2008 ; [editor, Daria Mitchell]
Francisco Suárez (1548-1617). : Catholic and reformed traditions in international law : a comparison between the Suarezian and the Grotian concept of Ius Gentium / Paulo Emílio Vauthier Borges de Macedo