Forest ecology -- Australia -- South-West (W.A.) : The karri forest : its conservation, significance and management / compiled and written by P.E.S. Christensen ; edited by Marianne R.L. Lewis
Forest ecology -- Australia -- Tasmania. : Proceedings of the South-Eastern Australia Native Forest Browsing Workshop : Ballarat, Victoria 27-29 April 1999 / edited by O.D. Bassett
Forest ecology -- Blue Ridge Mountains : Long-Term Response of a Forest Watershed Ecosystem : Clearcutting in the Southern Appalachians / edited by Wayne T. Swank, Jackson R. Webster
Forest ecology -- Borneo. : Borneo in transition : people, forests, conservation, and development / edited by Christine Padoch and Nancy Lee Peluso ; with the assistance of Cecilia Danks
Forest ecology -- California : California forests and woodlands : a natural history / Verna R. Johnston ; photographs by the author ; drawings by Carla J. Simmons
Forest ecology -- Caribbean Area : A Caribbean forest tapestry : the multidimensional nature of disturbance and response / edited by Nicholas Brokaw [and others]
Forest ecology -- Central America : Tropical dry forests in the Americas : ecology, conservation, and management / edited by Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa [and others]
Forest ecology -- Costa Rica : Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica : learning the lessons in a seasonal dry forest / edited by Gordon W. Frankie, Alfonso Mata, and S. Bradleigh Vinson
Forest ecology -- Developing countries : Air Pollution and the Forests of Developing and Rapidly Industrialising Countries : IUFRO Research Series, No. 4
Forest ecology -- East Asia : Forest ecosystems and environments : scaling up from shoot module to watershed / T. Kohyama [and others] (eds.)
Forest ecology -- Ecuador : The tropical mountain forest : patterns and processes in a biodiversity hotspot / S. Robbert Gradstein, Jürgen Homeier and Dirk Gansert (editors)