Florida Appellate courts : Who is on trial? : conflicts between the federal and state judicial systems in criminal cases : hearing before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, second session, February 26, 1988
Florida Apportionment (Election law) : Jigsaw puzzle politics in the Sunshine State / edited by Seth C. McKee ; foreword by David R. Colburn and Susan A. MacManus
Florida Apuleius : Apuleius' Florida : a commentary / by Benjamin Todd Lee
Florida Aquifer storage recovery : Re-engineering water storage in the Everglades : risks and opportunities / Committee on Restoration of the Greater Everglades Ecosystem, Water Science and Technology Board, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Florida Aquifer storage recovery Everglades : Regional issues in aquifer storage and recovery for Everglades restoration / Committee on Restoration of the Greater Everglades Ecosystem, Water Science and Technology Board, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Florida Aquifer storage recovery Research Everglades : Science and the Greater Everglades ecosystem restoration : an assessment of the Critical Ecosystem Studies Initiative / Panel to Review the Critical Ecosystem Studies Initiative, Water Science and Technology Board, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies
Florida Archaeology and history : Beyond the blockade : new currents in Cuban archaeology / edited by Susan Kepecs, L. Antonio Curet, and Gabino La Rosa Corzo ; chapters by Cuban authors translated from Spanish by Susan Kepecs
Florida Archaeology and history Saint Johns River Region : Space and time perspective in Northern St. Johns archeology, Florida / John M. Goggin ; preface to the 1998 edition by James J. Miller ; foreword by Jerald T. Milanich, series editor
Florida Architects Jacksonville : William Morgan : selected and current works / texts by Robert McCarter ; foreword by Eduard F. Sekler
Florida Architectural firms : The architecture of Duany Plater-Zyberk and company / essays by Joanna Lombard ; introduction by Beth Dunlop
Florida Architecture Miami : Miami : architecture of the tropics / edited by Maurice Culot and Jean-François Lejeune ; foreword by Mark Ormond ; introduction by Caroline Mierop ; essays by Maurice Culot ... [and others]
Florida Architecture Miami 20th century : Designing the good life : Norman M. Giller and the development of Miami modernism / Norman M. Giller and Sarah Giller Nelson
Florida Architecture, Modern 20th century Miami : Miami : architecture of the tropics / edited by Maurice Culot and Jean-François Lejeune ; foreword by Mark Ormond ; introduction by Caroline Mierop ; essays by Maurice Culot ... [and others]
Florida Architecture, Tropical : Miami : architecture of the tropics / edited by Maurice Culot and Jean-François Lejeune ; foreword by Mark Ormond ; introduction by Caroline Mierop ; essays by Maurice Culot ... [and others]
Florida Architecture, Tropical Miami : Miami : architecture of the tropics / edited by Maurice Culot and Jean-François Lejeune ; foreword by Mark Ormond ; introduction by Caroline Mierop ; essays by Maurice Culot ... [and others]
Florida Art Biscayne Bay : Christo, Surrounded Islands : Biscayne Bay, Greater Miami, Florida, 1980-83 / Introduction by Werner Spies; Chronology and Photographs by Wolfgang Volz