Fishes -- Yellow Sea : Fishes of the Sea of Japan and the adjacent areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Yellow Sea. Part 4, Teleostomi, XXIX, Perciformes, 2. Blennioidei - 13. Gobioidei (CXLV, Fam. Anarhichadidae - CLXXV, Fam. Periophthalmidae) / G.U. Lindberg and Z.V. Krasyukova ; Bruce B. Collette, scientific editor
Fishing Aboriginal Australians Government policy Australia Western Australia : Aboriginal fishing strategy : recognising the past, fishing for the future : draft report to the Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries / by the Hon. E.M. Franklyn, chairman of the Aboriginal Fishing Strategy Working Group
Fishing Aboriginal Australians Juvenile fiction : Bittangabee tribe : an Aboriginal story from coastal New South Wales / written by Beryl Cruse , Rebecca Kirby, Liddy Stewart and Steven Thomas : illustrated by Jana Austin [and ten others]
Fishing Aboriginal Australians Management : A voice in all places : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interests in Australia's coastal zone / consultancy report by Dermot Smyth
Fishing Aboriginal Tasmanians : Traditional aquaculture methods / written by Worawee (Emma Wilson) ; illustrations by Sue Renarde
Fishing -- Alaska, Southeast : Smokin' Fish / a co-production of Luke Griswold-Tergis and Native American Public Telecommunications, Inc. ; producer, Luke Griswold-Tergis ; writer, Luke Griswold-Tergis ; directors, Luke Griswold-Tergis, Cory Mann
Fishing -- Alberta : Becoming Albertan. Lesser Slave Lake sport fishing / director/producer/writer, Brandy Yanchyk
Fishing Aleuts : Aleut identities : tradition and modernity in an Indigenous fishery / Katherine L. Reedy-Maschner
Fishing -- Australasia -- History. : Salmon at the antipodes : a history and review of trout, salmon and char and introduced coarse fish in Australasia / John Clements