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Fishery law and legislation -- Washington (State) : The nature of borders : salmon, boundaries, and bandits on the Salish Sea / Lissa K. Wadewitz  2012 1
Fishery law and legislation -- Western Australia, Southwestern : Draft report of the South Coast Estuarine Fishery Working Group : fisheries management report  1995 1
Fishery law and legislation -- Yemen, North : The "Chaisiri Reefer 2" case (Panama v. Yemen), prompt release = Affaire du "Chaisiri Reefer 2" (Panama c. Yémen), prompte mainlevée  2007 1
Fishery managemement -- Tropics. : Tropical fish otoliths : information for assessment, management and ecology / Bridget S. Green [and others], editors  2009 1
  Fishery management -- 19 Related Subjects   19
Fishery management   296
Fishery management -- Africa   3
Fishery management -- Africa -- Congresses : Report of the meeting on considerations to improve the relevance and effectiveness of the Committee for Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture of Africa (CIFAA) as a continent-wide regional fishery body : Capetown, South Africa, 26-27 March 2012 = Rapport de la réunion sur Les considérations destinées à renforcer la pertinence et l'efficacité du Comité des pêches continentales et de l'aquaculture pour l'Afrique (CPCAA) en tant qu'organisme régional des pêches à l'échelle du continent, Le Cap, Afrique du Sud, 26-27 mars 2012  2013 1
Fishery management -- Africa, West   3
Fishery management -- Alaska, Southeast -- History : The fishermen's frontier : people and salmon in Southeast Alaska / David F. Arnold ; foreword by William Cronon  c2008 1
Fishery management -- Amazon River Watershed : Amazonian fisheries : socio economic issues and management implications / Jaime Fernandez-Baca  1998 1
Fishery management -- American Samoa   2
Fishery management -- Arctic regions : Blue governance in the Arctic and Antarctic : private fisheries certification and the law of the sea / Geir Honneland  2021 1
Fishery management -- Asia.   2
Fishery management -- Asia, Central -- Congresses : Report of the Second Session of the Central Asian and Caucasus Regional Fisheries and Aquaculture Commission : Dushanbe, Tajikistan, 16-17 April 2013 = Protokol meroprii︠a︡tii︠a︡ Vtorai︠a︡ Sessii︠a︡ Regionalʹnoĭ Komissii Po Rʹii︠e︡nomu Khozi︠a︡ĭstvu i Akvakulʹture v T︠s︡entralʹnoĭ Azii i Na Kavkaze : Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan, 16-17 apreli︠a︡ 2013 g  2013 1
Fishery management -- Asia -- Congresses. : Reservoir fisheries of Asia : proceedings of the 2nd Asian Reservoir Fisheries Workshop held in Hangzhou, People's Republic of China, 15-19 October, 1990 / editor, Sena S. De Silva  1992 1
Fishery management -- Australia.   30
Fishery management -- Australia -- Auditing. : Management of domestic fishing compliance : Australian Fisheries Management Authority / the Auditor-General  2009 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Cockburn Sound (W.A.) -- Citizen participation. : Proposals for community discussion on the future management of pink snapper fishing in Cockburn Sound and surrounding waters / Department of Fisheries  2004 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Congresses.   7
Fishery management -- Australia -- Dandenong Creek (Vic.) : Dandenong Creek : fishes, their habitats and management recommendations / J.D. Koehn  1986 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Darling River Watershed (Qld. and N.S.W.) : Fish and fish habitat of the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin / David Moffatt, Jo Voller  2002 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Gippsland (Vic.) : Development of an environment-recruitment model for black bream: a case study for estuarine fisheries management / Shellie Walker ... [and others]  1998 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) : Design of experimental investigations of the effects of line and spear fishing on the Great Barrier Reef / B.D. Mapstone, R.A. Campbell & A.D.M. Smith  1996 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- History. : The catch : the story of fishing in Australia / Anna Clark  2017 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- King George Sound (W.A.) : The King George Sound Purse Seine Fishery Working Group : report / by R.S. Brown to the Minister for Fisheries, the Hon. J.F. Grill  1986 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Murray-Darling Basin : Fish and fish habitat of the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin / David Moffatt, Jo Voller  2002 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Murray River (N.S.W.-S.A.)   2
Fishery management -- Australia -- Planning. : Managing ocean resources : a risk management perspective : ABARE report prepared for the Fisheries Resources Research Fund / Peter Gooday ... [and others]  1999 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Port Phillip Bay (Vic.) : The fisheries ecology of sand flathead in Port Phillip Bay / by Matthew Thomas Koopman  2005 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Queensland. : Fish and fish habitat of the Queensland Murray-Darling Basin / David Moffatt, Jo Voller  2002 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Shark Bay (W.A.)   3
Fishery management -- Australia -- South Australia.   2
Fishery management -- Australia -- South Australia -- Periodicals. : SARDI aquatic sciences research report    1
Fishery management -- Australia, Southeastern.   5
Fishery management -- Australia, Southeastern -- Periodicals. : The South east fishery / South East Fishery Stock Assessment Group    1
Fishery management -- Australia, Southern -- Mathematical models   2
Fishery management -- Australia -- Tasmania -- Periodicals. : Tasmanian scalefish fishery assessment  1998- 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Torres Strait Islands (Qld.) : Traditional fishing in the Torres Strait Islands / by R. E. Johannes and J. W. MacFarlane  1991 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria.   18
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Anderson Inlet : Anderson Inlet fisheries reserve management plan : draft  2005 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Bibliography. : A bibliography of research publications by staff of the Freshwater Fish Management Branch, Fisheries Division 1970-90 / J.D. Koehn  1990 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Campaspe River : Instream barriers of the Loddon and Campaspe catchments : assessment and prioritisation for fish passage / T. O'Brien, M. Mallen-Cooper and K. Pitman  2006 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Congresses. : Ecologically sustainable development of Victoria's fisheries : proceedings of a conference held at Queenscliff, Victoria, 21st-23rd September 1992  1993 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Eildon Region : Goulburn-Eildon region fisheries management plan / [Fisheries Victoria]  2002 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Glenelg-Hopkins Region   2
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Goulburn Region : Goulburn-Eildon region fisheries management plan / [Fisheries Victoria]  2002 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Loddon River : Instream barriers of the Loddon and Campaspe catchments : assessment and prioritisation for fish passage / T. O'Brien, M. Mallen-Cooper and K. Pitman  2006 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Mallacoota Inlet : Mallacoota Inlet fisheries reserve management plan / [Fisheries Victoria]  2006 1
Fishery management -- Australia -- Victoria -- Western Port : Western Port catchment : fishes, their habitats and management recommendations / J.D. Koehn  1986 1
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