First performances Operas Texas Dallas : Heggie and Scheer's Moby-Dick : a grand opera for the twenty-first century / by Robert K. Wallace ; featuring libretto by Gene Scheer ; photographs by Karen Almond
The beginning third of a human PREGNANCY, from the first day of the last normal menstrual period (MENSTRUATION) through the completion of 14 weeks (98 days) of gestation
The beginning third of a human PREGNANCY, from the first day of the last normal menstrual period (MENSTRUATION) through the completion of 14 weeks (98 days) of gestation
First Presbyterian Church (Wilmington, N.C.) -- History. / : The Jiangyin Mission Station : an american missionary community in China, 1895-1951 / by Lawrence D. Kessler
First Reformed Presbyterian Church (Philadelphia) : The First Reformed Presbyterian Church case Commonwealth, ex rel. Gordon, et al. vs. Williams, et al. A history of the case, the pleadings, the arguments of the counsel for the defendants, and the charge of Mr. Justice Williams
First responders -- Job stress : Enhancing human performance in security operations : international and law enforcement perspectives / edited by Paul T. Bartone [and others] ; with a foreword by Hans Binnendijk
First responders -- Mexico, Gulf of -- Management : On Scene Coordinator report, Deepwater Horizon oil spill, submitted to the National Response Team, September 2011 / [U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard, Federal On-Scene Coordinator]
First responders -- New York (State) -- New York : Portraits from ground zero / co-producer, Andrea Booher ; writer and producer, Frank Koughan ; produced by Kevin Vargas ; produced by Left/Right Inc. and Perfect Storm Productions for A & E Network
First responders -- Syria -- Aleppo : Last men in Aleppo / Larm Film and Aleppo Media Center present ; in association with Kloos & Co Medien ; with the support of Danish Film Institute, Cinereach, AFAC, IDFA Bertha Foundation, Nordisk Film & TV Fond, Danida, Sundance Institute ; producer, Søren Steen Jespersen ; producer, Kareem Abeed ; producer, Stefan Kloos ; assistant director, Hassan Khattan ; co-director, Steen Johannessen ; directed by Feras Fayyad
First responders -- Texas : Texas Disaster Law Guide Legal Considerations for Emergency Responders and Managers