Firearms -- legislation & jurisprudence -- United States : Priorities for research to reduce the threat of firearm-related violence / Committee on Priorities for a Public Health Research Agenda to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence ; Executive Office, Institute of Medicine ; Committee on Law and Justice, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education ; Alan I. Leshner, Bruce M. Altevogt, Arlene F. Lee, Margaret A. McCoy, and Patrick W. Kelley, editors ; Institute of Medicine and National Research Council of the National Academies
Firearms -- Lesotho : Destroying surplus weapons : an assessment of experience in South Africa and Lesotho / Sarah Meek and Noel Stott
Firearms -- Mali : Exchanging weapons for development in Mali : weapon collection programmes assessed by local people / Geofrey Mugumya
Firearms -- Management : Department of Homeland Security management of ammunition and firearms : select analyses / Lewis Calvin, editor
Firearms -- Marketing : Reducing firearm injury and death : a public health sourcebook on guns / Trudy Ann Karlson & Stephen W. Hargarten
Firearms -- Marketing -- Corrupt practices -- United States : The flow of precursor chemicals and assault weapons from the United States into the Andean nations : hearing before the Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control, House of Representatives, One Hundred First Congress, first session, November 1, 1989
Firearms Middle East Armed Forces Markings : Battlefield forensics for Persian Gulf States : regional and U.S. military weapons, ammunition and headstamp markings / by Don Mikko and William Bailey