Filmausstattung : Reading between designs : visual imagery and the generation of meaning in The avengers, the prisoner, and Doctor who / Piers D. Britton and Simon J. Barker
Filmcatalogs Women Australia : Australian women's film & video : a catalogue of films and videos produced or directed by Australian women / compiled and researched by Chris Brophy ; edited by Annette Blonski
Filmcatalogs World War, 1939-1945 : British official films in the Second World War : a descriptive catalogue / Frances Thorpe & Nicholas Pronay, with Clive Coultass
--subdivision Film adaptations under individual literatures, individual literary works entered under title, forms and types of musical compositions, and names of individual persons, e.g. English literature--Film adaptations; Beowulf--Film adaptations; Operas--Film adaptations; Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616--Film adaptations
Filmeditor : British film editors : the heart of the movie / Roy Perkins and Martin Stollery
Filmen : Video ethnography in practice : planning, shooting, and editing for social analysis / Wesley Shrum, Louisiana State University ; Greg Scott, DePaul University
Filmer, Robert, Sir, -1653. Patriarcha : Two treatises on civil government / by John Locke ; preceded by Sir Robert Filmer's "Patriarcha" ; with an introduction by Henry Morley