Preface; I. Irony in the 18th Century; A. Irony and Satire in die 18th Century; B. The Techniques of Irony in the 18th Century; C. Fielding and Irony; II. Rhetorical Irony, I: The Ironic Mask; A. The Technique; B. The Purposes of the Masks; C. The Masks; 1. The Editor; 2. The Public Defender; 3. Two Politicians; 4. The Traveller; D. Fielding and Swift; III. Rhetorical Irony, II: The Techniques of Verbal Irony; A. Denotative Irony; B. Connotative Irony; C. Understatement; D. Reversal of Statement; E. Irony by Implication; F. Ironic Undercut; G. Ironic Defense
IV. Rhetorical Irony, III: Verbal Irony in Joseph AndrewsV. Dramatic Irony; VI. Conclusion; A Note on the Texts Cited; Index
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