Fiber-reinforced ceramics -- Environmental testing : Mechanical, thermal, and environmental testing and performance of ceramic composites and components / Michael G. Jenkins, Edgar Lara-Curzio, and Stephen T. Gonczy, editors
Fiber-reinforced ceramics -- Mechanical properties : Mechanical, thermal, and environmental testing and performance of ceramic composites and components / Michael G. Jenkins, Edgar Lara-Curzio, and Stephen T. Gonczy, editors
Fiber-reinforced ceramics -- Testing : Thermal and mechanical test methods and behavior of continuous-fiber ceramic composites / Michael G. Jenkins [and others], editors
Fiber-reinforced ceramics -- Thermal properties : Mechanical, thermal, and environmental testing and performance of ceramic composites and components / Michael G. Jenkins, Edgar Lara-Curzio, and Stephen T. Gonczy, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Cracking : Round-robin test on creep behaviour in cracked sections of FRC : experimental program, results and database analysis : State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM TC 261-CCF / Aitor Llano-Torre, Pedro Serna, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Cracking -- Congresses : Creep behaviour in cracked sections of fibre reinforced concrete : proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop FRC-CREEP 2016 / Pedro Serna, Aitor Llano-Torre, Sergio H.P. Cavalaro, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Creep -- Congresses : Creep behaviour in cracked sections of fibre reinforced concrete : proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop FRC-CREEP 2016 / Pedro Serna, Aitor Llano-Torre, Sergio H.P. Cavalaro, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Creep -- Testing : Round-robin test on creep behaviour in cracked sections of FRC : experimental program, results and database analysis : State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM TC 261-CCF / Aitor Llano-Torre, Pedro Serna, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Testing -- Congresses. : Testing and test methods of fibre cement composites : RILEM Symposium, 1978 / sponsored by ACI, ASTM, and the University of Sheffield ; edited by R. N. Swamy ; in association with J. D. Pennington, B. A. Proctor, M. S. Stucke
Fiber-reinforced plastics -- Effect of temperature on -- Standards. : Plastics-- determination of temperature of deflection under load. Part 3. High-strength thermosetting laminates and long-fibre-reinforced plastics = Plastiques-- détermination de la température de fléchissement sous charge. Partie 3. Stratifiés thermodurcissables à haute résistance et plastiques renforcés de fibres longues
Fiber-reinforced plastics -- Electric properties : A two-dimensional piezoresistivity model for anisotropic materials and its application in self-sensing of carbon fiber reinforced plastics / Patrick Scholle
Fiber-reinforced plastics -- Mechanical properties : Multiscale buckling modes in the mechanics of fiber-reinforced plastics / Vitaly Paimushin, Andris K. Chate, Sergey Kholmogorov, Maksim Makarov, Ruslan Gazizullin
Fiber-reinforced plastics -- Thermal properties -- Standards. : Plastics-- determination of temperature of deflection under load. Part 3. High-strength thermosetting laminates and long-fibre-reinforced plastics = Plastiques-- détermination de la température de fléchissement sous charge. Partie 3. Stratifiés thermodurcissables à haute résistance et plastiques renforcés de fibres longues
Fiber-reinforced plastics -- Thermalmechanical properties -- Standards : Plastics-- determination of temperature of deflection under load. Part 3. High-strength thermosetting laminates and long-fibre-reinforced plastics = Plastiques-- détermination de la température de fléchissement sous charge. Partie 3. Stratifiés thermodurcissables à haute résistance et plastiques renforcés de fibres longues
Large, multinucleate single cells, either cylindrical or prismatic in shape, that form the basic unit of SKELETAL MUSCLE. They consist of MYOFIBRILS enclosed within and attached to the SARCOLEMMA. They are derived from the fusion of skeletal myoblasts (MYOBLASTS, SKELETAL) into a syncytium, followed by differentiation