Fiber-reinforced ceramics -- Environmental testing : Mechanical, thermal, and environmental testing and performance of ceramic composites and components / Michael G. Jenkins, Edgar Lara-Curzio, and Stephen T. Gonczy, editors
Fiber-reinforced ceramics -- Mechanical properties : Mechanical, thermal, and environmental testing and performance of ceramic composites and components / Michael G. Jenkins, Edgar Lara-Curzio, and Stephen T. Gonczy, editors
Fiber-reinforced ceramics -- Testing : Thermal and mechanical test methods and behavior of continuous-fiber ceramic composites / Michael G. Jenkins [and others], editors
Fiber-reinforced ceramics -- Thermal properties : Mechanical, thermal, and environmental testing and performance of ceramic composites and components / Michael G. Jenkins, Edgar Lara-Curzio, and Stephen T. Gonczy, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Cracking : Round-robin test on creep behaviour in cracked sections of FRC : experimental program, results and database analysis : State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM TC 261-CCF / Aitor Llano-Torre, Pedro Serna, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Cracking -- Congresses : Creep behaviour in cracked sections of fibre reinforced concrete : proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop FRC-CREEP 2016 / Pedro Serna, Aitor Llano-Torre, Sergio H.P. Cavalaro, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Creep -- Congresses : Creep behaviour in cracked sections of fibre reinforced concrete : proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop FRC-CREEP 2016 / Pedro Serna, Aitor Llano-Torre, Sergio H.P. Cavalaro, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Creep -- Testing : Round-robin test on creep behaviour in cracked sections of FRC : experimental program, results and database analysis : State-of-the-Art Report of the RILEM TC 261-CCF / Aitor Llano-Torre, Pedro Serna, editors
Fiber-reinforced concrete -- Testing -- Congresses. : Testing and test methods of fibre cement composites : RILEM Symposium, 1978 / sponsored by ACI, ASTM, and the University of Sheffield ; edited by R. N. Swamy ; in association with J. D. Pennington, B. A. Proctor, M. S. Stucke
Fiber-reinforced plastics -- Effect of temperature on -- Standards. : Plastics-- determination of temperature of deflection under load. Part 3. High-strength thermosetting laminates and long-fibre-reinforced plastics = Plastiques-- détermination de la température de fléchissement sous charge. Partie 3. Stratifiés thermodurcissables à haute résistance et plastiques renforcés de fibres longues
Fiber-reinforced plastics -- Electric properties : A two-dimensional piezoresistivity model for anisotropic materials and its application in self-sensing of carbon fiber reinforced plastics / Patrick Scholle