Fernuniversität-Gesamthochschule-Hagen. / http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n86822953 : Women and distance education : challenges and opportunities / Christine von Prümmer
Feroelectricity : Graded ferroelectrics, transpacitors, and transponents / Joseph V. Mantese, S. Pamir Alpay
Feroldi Antonisi De Rosa family -- See Also Rose family
Feromônios sexuais. : Insect pheromone biochemistry and molecular biology : the biosynthesis and detection of pheromones and plant volatiles / edited by Gary Blomquist and Richard Vogt
Ferrante, Elena -- Film adaptations : L'amore molesto = Troubling love / una produzione Lucky Red ; una produzione Teatri Uniti ; sceneggiatura, Mario Martone ; prodotto da Angelo Curti, Andrea Occhipinti, Kermit Smith ; regia, Mario Martone.
Ferranti Ltd. -- History : Ferranti. Volume 3, Management, mergers and fraud 1987-1993 : a history / John Wilson
Ferrara, Abel, 1951- -- Interviews : Hollywood's best film directors. Season 5, Episode 6, Abel Ferrara / [a Prime Entertainment Group Production] ; [produced in association with OTM Productions] ; [created by David Freydt, Mark Kaplan]
Ferrara (Italy) -- Intellectual life : Music in Renaissance Ferrara, 1400-1505 : the creation of a musical center in the fifteenth century / Lewis Lockwood
Ferrara Music Italy 15th century : Music in Renaissance Ferrara, 1400-1505 : the creation of a musical center in the fifteenth century / Lewis Lockwood
Ferrara Musicians Italy : Music in Renaissance Ferrara 1400-1505 : the creation of a musical center in the fifteenth century
Ferrara Nuns as artists Italy : Women, art and observant Franciscan piety : Caterina Vigri and the Poor Clares in early modern Ferrara / Kathleen G. Arthur
Ferrara Poor Clares Italy History To 1500 : Women, art and observant Franciscan piety : Caterina Vigri and the Poor Clares in early modern Ferrara / Kathleen G. Arthur