Female circumcision -- Africa -- Attitudes. : Africa rising : the grassroots movement to end female genital mutilation / Equality Now presents a Heredia Pictures Production ; a film by Paula Heredia ; directed and produced by Paula Heredia ; executive producers, Taina Bien-Aimé, Faiza Jama Mohamed, Jessica Neuwirth
Female circumcision -- Africa -- Prevention. : Africa rising : the grassroots movement to end female genital mutilation / Equality Now presents a Heredia Pictures Production ; a film by Paula Heredia ; directed and produced by Paula Heredia ; executive producers, Taina Bien-Aimé, Faiza Jama Mohamed, Jessica Neuwirth
Female circumcision -- Case studies. : Studying Social Processes Underlying the Persistence of Female Genital Mutilation Using Agent-Based Modeling / Droy
Female circumcision -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain. : Female genital mutilation : law and practice / Zimran Samuel, Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers, London, Visiting Fellow, The London School of Economics ; foreword by the Honourable Mr. Justice Keehan, Family Division Liaison Judge, Midland Circuit
Female circumcision -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Africa. : Africa rising : the grassroots movement to end female genital mutilation / Equality Now presents a Heredia Pictures Production ; a film by Paula Heredia ; directed and produced by Paula Heredia ; executive producers, Taina Bien-Aimé, Faiza Jama Mohamed, Jessica Neuwirth
Female circumcision -- Pictorial works. : The day Kadi lost part of her life / photos Kim Manresa ; prologue Olayinka Koso-Thomas ; text Isabel Ramos Rioja ; collaboration David Serra ; [translation Nikki Anderson]
Female circumcision -- Research -- Africa. : Doing Mixed-Methods Research on Sensitive Topics with Migrant Women in Australia : Experiences of Female Genital Circumcision for African Women / Wilkes
A general term encompassing three types of excision of the external female genitalia - Sunna, clitoridectomy, and infibulation. It is associated with severe health risks and has been declared illegal in many places, but continues to be widely practiced in a number of countries, particularly in Africa
Prevention of CONCEPTION by blocking fertility temporarily, or permanently (STERILIZATION, REPRODUCTIVE). Common means of reversible contraception include NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING METHODS; CONTRACEPTIVE AGENTS; or CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICES
Prevention of CONCEPTION by blocking fertility temporarily, or permanently (STERILIZATION, REPRODUCTIVE). Common means of reversible contraception include NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING METHODS; CONTRACEPTIVE AGENTS; or CONTRACEPTIVE DEVICES
Chemical substances or agents with contraceptive activity in females. Use for female contraceptive agents in general or for which there is no specific heading
Chemical substances or agents with contraceptive activity in females. Use for female contraceptive agents in general or for which there is no specific heading
Female Cultures. : The Making of Man-Midwifery : Childbirth in England, 1660-1770