Fatʼḣ Lāl -- Trials, litigation, etc : Abstract of state trials, held, under Special Commission at Jyepoor, for the trial of the ex-Minister Sunghee Jotha Ram, his brother and son, and other persons implicated in a plot to subvert the local government : resulting in an assault upon the person of Major N. Alves, Agent to the Governor General, and the murder of Mr. Martin Blake, Assistant Agent to ditto: giving a general view of the proceedings of the Special Court before which the principal criminals were arraigned ; with selected portions of the documents produced, the written defences of Sunghees Jotha Ram and Hookum Chund ; a summary of the evidence, translation of several important papers, and extracts from the Calcutta Courier, having reference to the subject
Father and child -- Québec (Province) : La paternité au XXIe siècle / équipe ProsPère du GRAVE-ARDEC ; sous la direction de Diane Dubeau, Annie Devault, Gilles Forget avec la collaboration de Dominic Bizot
Father and I Lagerkvist, Pär, 1891-1974 : Short stories for students. Volume 33 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories / Sara Constantakis, project editor ; foreword by Thomas E. Barden
Father-child relationship -- Case studies. : Different dads : fathers' stories of parenting disabled children / edited by Jill Harrison, Matthew Henderson and Rob Leonard ; foreword by David Cameron