Farm manure -- Research : Applied research of animal manure : challenges and opportunities beyond the adverse environmental concerns / Zhongqi He, editor
Farm mechanization -- Africa : Agricultural mechanization in sub-Saharan Africa : guidelines for preparing a strategy / by Karim Houmy [and three others]
Farm mechanization -- Congresses : 15th International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture : ANKAgEng'2023 / Eugenio Cavallo, Fernando Auat Cheein, Francesco Marinello, Kamil Saçılık, Kasiviswanathan Muthukumarappan, Purushothaman C. Abhilash, editors
Farm mechanization -- Social aspects : The second great emancipation : the mechanical cotton picker, Black migration, and how they shaped the modern South / Donald Holley
Systems of agriculture which adhere to nationally regulated standards that restrict the use of pesticides, non-organic fertilizers, genetic engineering, growth hormones, irradiation, antibiotics, and non-organic ANIMAL FEED
Farm ownership -- Africa : Africa for Sale? : Positioning the State, Land and Society in Foreign Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Africa / edited by Sandra J.T.M. Evers, Caroline Seagle, Froukje Krijtenburg
Farm ownership -- Australia. : Land tenure and land management alternatives / by Shane Broad, Amabel Fulton, Rob Clark