Here are entered general works on foreign loans. Works on foreign loans originating in an individual region or country are entered under Loans qualified by region or nationality, with further subdivision by place, if any, to which the loans are made, e.g. Loans, American--Europe, Eastern
Here are entered general works on foreign loans. Works on foreign loans originating in an individual region or country are entered under Loans qualified by region or nationality, with further subdivision by place, if any, to which the loans are made, e.g. Loans, American--Europe, Eastern
Foreign mail Postal service Australia : The postal question considered with reference to direct and regular intercourse with England by large steamships
Foreign mail Postal service Great Britain : Report of the permanent committee to the members of the General Association for the Australian colonies, at their first annual meeting : held at the London Tavern, Bishopsgate Street, on Friday, 13th June, 1856