Experimental films -- United States -- Exhibitions. : Unseen cinema : early American avant-garde film 1893-1941 ; a retrospective of restored and preserved films detailing the unknown accomplishments of American pioneer filmmakers / edited and annotated by Bruce Posner
Experimental forests -- United States : USDA Forest Service experimental forests and ranges : research for the long term / Deborah C. Hayes, Susan L. Stout, Ralph H. Crawford, Anne P. Hoover, editors
Here are entered works on areas located in industrial parks or on university campuses that are designed to nurture entrepreneurial skills and the development of new, usually high technology business enterprises
Experimental mathematics -- Congresses : Gems in experimental mathematics : AMS Special Session, Experimental Mathematics, January 5, 2009, Washington, DC / Tewodros Amdeberhan, Luis A. Medina, Victor H. Moll, editors
Experimental methods Arts British Columbia Vancouver : Finding nothing : being a treatise on absence, neglect, how the avant-garde learned to see Vancouver (or found reason to try), writing on the edge/margin/line, feminist birth stories (or the birth of feminist stories), the VanGardes 1959-1975, a type of collage, concrete, art in unceded territory, Indigenous cultures, foreign incursions, surrealist revolts, & other sundry and otherwise subjects / Gregory Betts
Experimental methods Arts History : American cultural rebels : avant-garde and bohemian artists, writers and musicians from the 1850s through the 1960s / Roy Kotynek and John Cohassey