Eutrophication -- California -- Salton Sea. : The Salton Sea Centennial Symposium : proceedings of the symposium celebrating a century of symbiosis among agriculture, wildlife and people, 1905-2005, held in San Diego, California, USA, March 2005 / edited by Stuart H. Hurlbert
Eutrophication -- California -- Salton Sea -- Congresses : The Salton Sea Centennial Symposium : proceedings of the symposium celebrating a century of symbiosis among agriculture, wildlife and people, 1905-2005, held in San Diego, California, USA, March 2005 / edited by Stuart H. Hurlbert
Eutrophication -- Control -- Baltic Sea : Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea : present situation, nutrient transport processes, remedial strategies / by Lars Håkanson, Andreas C. Bryhn
Eutrophication -- Control -- China -- San Xia Reservoir : Distribution and transformation of nutrients and eutrophication in large-scale lakes and reservoirs : the Three Gorges Reservoir / Zhenyao Shen, Junfeng Niu, Ying Wang, Hongyuan Wang, Xin Zhao
Eutrophication -- Control -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. : The Control of eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs / edited by Sven-Olof Ryding and Walter Rast, with the assistance of Dietrich Uhlmann, Jürgen Clasen, Laszlo Somlyody
Eutrophication -- Mathematical models. : The application of the phosphorus loading concept to eutrophication research / prepared on behalf of R. A. Vollenweider for the Subcommittee on Water by P. J. Dillon
Eutrophication -- Sweden -- Ringsjön. : Nutrient reduction and biomanipulation as tools to improve water quality : the Lake Ringsjön story / edited by L.-A. Hansson & E. Bergman
The enrichment of a terrestrial or aquatic ECOSYSTEM by the addition of nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, that results in a superabundant growth of plants, ALGAE, or other primary producers. It can be a natural process or result from human activity such as agriculture runoff or sewage pollution. In aquatic ecosystems, an increase in the algae population is termed an algal bloom
Eva luna Allende, Isabel : Novels for students. Volume 29 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels / Sara Constantakis, project editor