EUROPEAN SECURITY AND COOPERATION. : Partnership and discord : Russia and the construction of a post Cold War security architecture in Europe, 1991-2000 / Morten Jeppesen
EUROPEAN SPACE PROGRAM. : U.S.-European-Japanese workshop on space cooperation : summary report / Space Research Committee, Science Council of Japan ; European Space Science Committee, European Science Foundation ; and Committee on International Space Programs, Space Studies Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Applications, National Research Council
Here are entered works on citizens or permanent residents of the United States who trace their heritage directly to Spain
European Spatial Planning Observation Network. / : Atlas of challenges and opportunities in European neighbourhoods : stemming from the ESPON "ITAN" project (Integrated Territorial Analysis of the Neighbourhoods) / Pierre Beckouche, Pierre Besnard, Hugues Pecout, editors
European stability mechanism. : The European stability mechanism before the Court of Justice of the European Union : comments on the Pringle Case / Etienne de Lhoneux, Christos A. Vassilopoulos
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. / : A political history of big science : the other Europe / Katharina C. Cramer
European System of Central Banks. / : Putting 'Humpty' together again : including developing countries in a consensus for the WTO / Zhen Kun Wang, L. Alan Winters