Europe Religious institutions Finance History : The economics of providence : management, finances and patrimony of religious orders and congregations in Europe, 1773 c 1930 = L'économie de la providence : la gestion, les finances et la patrimoine des ordres et congrégations religieuses en Europe, 1773-vers c 1930 / Maarten Van Dijck, Jan De Maeyer, Jeffrey Tyssens, Jimmy Koppen, eds
Europe -- Religious life and customs -- History -- 19th century : The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c. 1800-1950 : between saints and celebrities / by Tine Van Osselaer, in collaboration with Andrea Graus, Leonardo Rossi and Kristof Smeyers
Europe -- Religious life and customs -- History -- 20th century : The devotion and promotion of stigmatics in Europe, c. 1800-1950 : between saints and celebrities / by Tine Van Osselaer, in collaboration with Andrea Graus, Leonardo Rossi and Kristof Smeyers
Europe -- Religious life and customs -- History -- To 1500 -- Congresses : Religion, cults & rituals in the medieval rural environment = Religion, Kulte und Rituale in der mittelalterlichen bäuerlichen Umgebung = Réligion, cultes et rituels au milieu rural médiéval / edited by Christiane Bis-Worch & Claudia Theune
Europe Religious minorities History Congresses : Religion und Mobilität : zum Verhältnis von raumbezogener Mobilität und religiöser Identitätsbildung im frühneuzeitlichen Europa / herausgegben von Henning P. Jürgens und Thomas Weller
Europe Remote sensing : Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Landscapes : Best Practices and Perspectives Across Europe and the Middle East / Diofantos G. Hadjimitsis, Kyriacos Themistodeous, Branka Cuca, Athos Agapio, Vasiliki Lysandrou, Rosa lasaponara, Nicola Masini, Gunter Schreier, editors
Europe Renewable energy sources Government policy : Sustainable energy policies for Europe : towards 100% renewable energy / [edited by] Rainer Hinrichs-Rahlwes ; with contributions from Christine Lins, Jan Geiss, Markus Kahles & Thorsten Müller
Europe Renewable energy sources Law and legislation : Security in sustainable energy transitions : interplay between energy, security, and defence policies in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Scotland / Dr Paula Kivimaa, Finnish Environment Institute