Europe Expatriate authors : Europeos en Latinoamérica : cine y literatura transnacionales : la visión de Herzog, Buñuel, Aub y Gombrowicz / Javier de Taboada
Europe Experiential learning : Continuity and discontinuity in learning careers : potentials for a learning space in a changing world / edited by Barbara Merrill, Andrea Galimberti, Adrianna Nizinska and Jose Gonzalez-Monteagudo
Europe Experiential learning Case studies : Informal learning of active citizenship at school : an international comparative study in seven European countries / edited by Jaap Scheerens
Europe Experimental archaeology Congresses : Experimentation and interpretation : the use of experimental archaeology in the study of the past / edited by Dana C.E. Millson
Europe Experimental films History : Moving forward, looking back : the European avant-garde and the invention of film culture, 1919-1939 / Malte Hagener
Europe Exploitation Political aspects History Congresses : The shadow of colonialism on Europe's modern past / [edited by] Róisín Healy (lecturer in History, National University of Ireland, Galway) and Enrico Dal Lago (lecturer in History, National University of Ireland, Galway)
Europe Explorers : Cultures in conflict : encounters between European and non-European cultures, 1492-1800 / Urs Bitterli ; translated by Ritchie Robertson
Europe Explorers Biography : Heroes of empire : five charismatic men and the conquest of Africa / Edward Berenson
Europe Explorers History : The discovery of mankind : Atlantic encounters in the age of Columbus / David Abulafia
Europe Export marketing : Strategies for international industrial marketing : the management of customer relationships in European industrial markets / edited by Peter W. Turnbull and Jean-Paul Valla
Europe Exports : Export performance in Europe : what do we know from supply links? / Jesmin Rahman and Tianli Zhao
Europe Exports History 17th century : European metals in native hands : rethinking the dynamics of technological change, 1640-1683 / Kathleen L. Ehrhardt
Europe Express highways : Managed motorways : traffic optimization and road pricing approaches in Europe and Singapore / Elvis L. Duncan and Michael J. Snyder, editors
Europe Extraordinary rendition : The CIA's extraordinary rendition and secret detention programme : European reactions and the challenges of future international intelligence co-operation / Claudia Hillebrand