EUREPGAP : Guidelines for implementing EUREPGAP for Australian fresh fruit and vegetables producers / prepared for the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry by Foodlink Management Services
Eurex Repo (Firm) / : Germany : Financial Sector Assessment Program : detailed assessment of observance on the Eurex Clearing AG observance of the CPSS-IOSCO principles for financial market infrastructures
Eurhanasia : Last rights / by Karen Cantor, Singing Wolf Documentaries
Here are entered works on Latin Americans of mixed European and Indian descent. Works on the process of racial interbreeding in Latin America between Europeans and Indians and the blending of European and Indian cultures are entered under Mestizaje
Euripdes. Iphigenia in Aulis : Orestes : and other plays / Euripides ; translated with an introduction by Philip Vellacott