Eucalyptus -- Classification. : Eucalypt ecology : individuals to ecosystems / edited by Jann E. Williams, John C.Z. Woinarski
Eucalyptus -- Congresses : Eucalyptus plantations : research, management and development : proceedings of the International Symposium, Guangzhou, China, 1-6 Semptember 2002 / edited by Run-Peng Wei and Daping Xu
Eucalyptus -- Cultivation : Options for seedbed preparation and seed supply for the regeneration of mixed Eucalypt forests in north-eastern Victoria / Julian Di Stefano ... [and others]
Eucalyptus -- Diseases and pests -- Congresses. : Eucalypt dieback in forests and woodlands : proceedings of a conference held at the CSIRO Division of Forest Research, Canberra 4-6 August 1980 / edited by K.M. Old, G.A. Kile, C.P. Ohmart
Eucalyptus Dunnii : Prediction of eucalyptus dunnii and pinus radiata timber stiffness using acoustics : a report for the RIRDC/Land and Water Australia/FWPRDC/MDBC Joint Venture Agroforestry Program / by Bill Joe ... [and others]
Eucalyptus -- Economic aspects -- Australia. : The potential of bioactive constituents of Eucalyptus foliage as non-wood products from plantations / by Foley William and Erich Lassak
Eucalyptus -- Effect of fires on. : Effects of repeated low-intensity fire on tree growth and bark in a mixed eucalypt foothill forest in south-eastern Australia / Karen Chatto, Tina Bell and John Kellas
Eucalyptus -- Genetic engineering -- Australia, Northern. : Developing genetically adapted tree varieties for marginal areas of northern Australia : a report for the RIRDC / Land & Water Australia / FWPRDC Joint Venture Agroforestry Program / by D.J. Lee ... [and others]
Eucalyptus -- Genetics : Genetics, genomics and breeding of eucalypts / editors, Robert Henry, Chittaranjan Kole
Eucalyptus -- Genome mapping : Genetics, genomics and breeding of eucalypts / editors, Robert Henry, Chittaranjan Kole
A genus of trees of the Myrtaceae family, native to Australia, that yields gums, oils, and resins which are used as flavoring agents, astringents, and aromatics
Eucalyptus globulus -- Measurement. : Calibration of the FullCAM model to Eucalyptus globulus and Pinus radiata and uncertainty analysis / Phil Polglase ... [and others]
Eucalyptus -- Harvesting -- Australia. : Plantation eucalypts for high-value timber : enhancing investment through research and development / A. G. Brown and C. L. Beadle (editors)
Eucalyptus -- Illustrations. : Illustrations of the buds and fruits of eucalyptus species, with an alphabetical index : covering 486 species and varieties
Eucalyptus in art : A gallery of gum trees / by A.W. D'Ombrain ; illustrations from original paintings in water-colour by Tydfyl Evans
Eucalyptus industry -- Bibliography. : A bibliography of references to Eucalypts, 1971-1972 / compiled by Marie Sweet and the Library staff, Forest Products Laboratory, C.S.I.R.O