Ethnicity -- History -- 20th century -- Congresses : Ethnicity as a political resource : conceptualizations across disciplines, regions, and periods / University of Cologne Forum "Ethnicity as a Political Resource" (ed.)
Ethnicity -- History -- Sources : Practices of coexistence : constructions of the other in early modern perceptions / edited by Marianna D. Birnbaum and Marcell Sebok
Ethnicity -- Holy Roman Empire. : Regna and gentes : the relationship between late antique and early medieval peoples and kingdoms in the transformation of the Roman world / edited by Hans-Werner Goetz, Jörg Jarnut, and Walter Pohl ; with the collaboration of Sören Kaschke
Ethnicity -- Holy Roman Empire -- History : Regna and gentes : the relationship between late antique and early medieval peoples and kingdoms in the transformation of the Roman world / edited by Hans-Werner Goetz, Jörg Jarnut, and Walter Pohl ; with the collaboration of Sören Kaschke
Ethnicity -- Honduras -- Atlantic Coast : Lubaraun / directed by Martha Clarissa Hernández, María José Alvarez ; narrated by Laurie Cordua Cruz ; produced by María José Alvarez, Martha Clarissa Hernandez, Luna Films
Ethnicity -- Hungary -- History : The historical construction of national consciousness : selected writings / Jenő Szűcs ; edited by Gábor Klaniczay, Balázs Trencsényi, Gábor Gyáni