A philosophically coherent set of propositions (for example, utilitarianism) which attempts to provide general norms for the guidance and evaluation of moral conduct. (from Beauchamp and Childress, Principles of Biomedical Ethics, 4th ed)
ethics Dermatology : Dermatoethics : contemporary ethics and professionalism in dermatology / Lionel Bercovitch, Clifford Perlis, editors
ethics Dreams : The dreams of interpretation : a century down the royal road / Catherine Liu [and others], editors
Ethics Drinking of alcoholic beverages : Alcohol as a food and medicine : a paper from the transactions of the International Medical Congress, at Philadelphia, September, 1876 / Ezra Mundy Hunt
ethics Drug Discovery : Treating dementia : do we have a pill for it? / edited by Jesse F. Ballenger ... [and others]
ethics Drug Resistance : Ethics and drug resistance : collective responsibility for global public health / Euzebiusz Jamrozik, Michael Selgelid, editors
ethics Drug Therapy : Prescribing by numbers : drugs and the definition of disease / Jeremy A. Greene
ethics Drug Utilization : Run, swim, throw, cheat : the science behind drugs in sport / Chris Cooper
Ethics Dussel, Enrique D : Ethical hermeneutics : rationality in Enrique Dussel's Philosophy of liberation / by Michael Barber
ethics Duty to Warn : The duty to protect : ethical, legal, and professional considerations for mental health professionals / edited by James L. Werth Jr., Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel, G. Andrew H. Benjamin
The name given to the religion of the body of modern churches, including among others the Greek and Russian Orthodox, that is derived from the church of the Byzantine Empire, adheres to the Byzantine rite, and acknowledges the honorary primacy of the patriarch of Constantinople. (from American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th ed)
ethics Ecology : Expanding horizons in bioethics / edited by Arthur W. Galston and Christiana Z. Peppard
ethics Economic Competition : No margin, no mission : health-care organizations and the quest for ethical excellence / Steven D. Pearson, James E. Sabin, Ezekiel J. Emanuel ; with contributions from Tracey Hyams, Lauren Randel
Ethics Economics : Ethical prospects. Volume 1 : economy, society, and environment / editor in chief, Laszlo Zsolnai