Erreichbarkeit : Permanently online, permanently connected : living and communicating in a POPC world / edited by Peter Vorderer, Dorothée Hefner, Leonard Reinecke, and Christoph Klimmt
Errett, Russell, 1845-1931 : The power of the press : studies of the Gospel Advocate, the Christian Standard and the Christian-Evangelist / Richard T. Hughes, Henry E. Webb [and] Howard E. Short
Erreur judiciaire -- Grande-Bretagne. : Understanding miscarriages of justice : law, the media, and the inevitability of crisis / Richard Nobles and David Schiff ; with a foreword by Gunther Teubner
Error analysis (Mathematics) -- Congresses : Statistical analysis of measurement error models and applications : proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM joint summer research conference held June 10-16, 1989, with support from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Army Research Office / Philip J. Brown and Wayne A. Fuller, editors
Error -- Congresses : Human error : cause, prediction, and reduction / John W. Senders, Neville P. Moray
Truthful revelation of information, specifically when the information disclosed is likely to be psychologically painful ("bad news") to the recipient (e.g., revelation to a patient or a patient's family of the patient's DIAGNOSIS or PROGNOSIS) or embarrassing to the teller (e.g., revelation of medical errors)
Truthful revelation of information, specifically when the information disclosed is likely to be psychologically painful ("bad news") to the recipient (e.g., revelation to a patient or a patient's family of the patient's DIAGNOSIS or PROGNOSIS) or embarrassing to the teller (e.g., revelation of medical errors)
Errors in prescribing, dispensing, or administering medication with the result that the patient fails to receive the correct drug or the indicated proper drug dosage