Intro; Foreword; Preface; Acknowledgments; Videos; 1. Neural Control of Eye Movements; Introduction; Hierarchy of the Oculomotor System; The Final Common Pathway of the Oculomotor System; The Functional Classes of Eye Movements; Eye Movements That Keep the Fovea Fixed on a Target; Optokinetic System; 2. Anatomy and Physiology of the Vestibular System; Introduction; The Sensory Transduction of the Peripheral Vestibular System; Vestibular Hair Cells; Semicircular Canal Anatomy and Physiology; Otolith Organ Anatomy and Physiology; Primary Vestibular Afferent Projections
Anatomy of the Central Vestibular SystemVestibular Nystagmus Generated by Head Movement; The VOR during Sustained Movement; Peripheral Vestibular Impairment and Central Nervous System Compensation; Impaired Central Nervous System Compensation; Laws of Compensation; 3. Pretest Procedures for VNG; Introduction; Case History; The Dizziness Symptom Profile (DSP); Assessment of Dizziness Handicap; Bedside Evaluation of the Ocular Motor System; Otoscopic Examination; The VNG Environment; 4. Eye Movement Examination; Introduction; Instrumentation; EOG/ENG: Corneoretinal Potential
Using the CRP to Record Eye MovementsVoluntary Saccade Test; Gaze Test; Smooth Pursuit Tracking Test; Optokinetic Test; 5. Positional and Positioning Testing; Static Positional Testing; Positioning Testing; Treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positioning Vertigo; 6. The Caloric Test; Introduction; Caloric Stimulation of the Vestibular System; Components of the Caloric Test; Instrumentation; Preparation for the Caloric Test; Procedure for Conducting the Alternating Binaural Bithermal Caloric Test (Water and Air); Caloric Test Technique; Analysis of Caloric Responses
Interpretation of Caloric ResponsesSummary: Significance of a Directional Preponderance; Technical Tips for Caloric Testing; 7. Common Vestibular Disorders: Clinical Presentation; Introduction; Common Disorders Causing Dizziness; Appendix A. Dizziness Questionnaire; Appendix B. Understanding Dizziness; Appendix C. Pediatric Literature for Vestibular Testing; Appendix D. Example Alerting Tasks for Vestibular Testing; Appendix E. Reliability and Localizing Value of VNG Findings; References; Index
This book serves as a a practical resource for conducting and interpreting the electronystamography/videonystagmography examination
Includes bibliographical references and index
Online resource; title from digital title page (viewed on December 11, 2019)