The rights of the individual to cultural, social, economic, and educational opportunities as provided by society, e.g., right to work, right to education, and right to social security
Equal rights amendments -- California : ERA conformance : an analysis of the California State codes / edited by the California Commission on the Status of Women's Equal Rights Amendment Project
Equal rights amendments -- Iowa : How did Iowa coalitions campaign for the Equal rights amendment in 1980 and 1992? / by Dan Itzkowitz, under the direction of Victoria Brown
Equal rights amendments -- New Jersey : Public hearing before Assembly Judiciary Committee on Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 67 : (proposing constitutional amendment to provide equality of rights of women) : held May 2, 1974, Assembly Chamber, State House, Trenton, New Jersey
Equal rights amendments -- Virginia : Ratification of the Equal rights amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America : report of the Joint Privileges and Elections Committees of the General Assembly to the Governor and the General Assembly of Virginia
Here are entered works dealing with the requirement that broadcasters presenting one side of a controversial issue of public importance must afford reasonable opportunity for the presentation of contrasting views. Works dealing with the requirement that equal opportunities for broadcasting be afforded to all legally qualified candidates for public office if any one such candidate is permitted to broadcast are entered under Equal time rule (Broadcasting)
Equality -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Preventing violent conflict in Africa : inequalities, perceptions and institutions / edited by Yoichi Mine, Frances Stewart, Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, and Thandika Mkandawire
Equality -- Africa, Sub-Saharan -- Econometric models : Are African households heterogeneous agents? : stylized facts on patterns of consumption, employment, income and earnings for macroeconomic modelers / Louise Fox
Equality And Efficiency. : Lessons from the old masters on assessing equity and efficiency : a primer for fiscal policymakers / prepared by Vitor Gaspar, Paolo Mauro, and Tigran Poghosyan
Equality -- Andes Region : Andean states and the resource curse : institutional change in extractive economies / edited by Gerardo Damonte and Bettina Schorr
Equality -- Arab countries : Eruptions of popular anger : the economics of the Arab spring and its aftermath / by Elena Ianchovichina
Equality -- Argentina -- History -- 21st century : La Argentina en el siglo XXI : cómo somos, vivimos y convivimos en una sociedad desigual : Encuesta Nacional sobre la Estructura Social / Juan Ignacio Piovani, Agustín Salvia, coordinadores
Equality -- Asia -- Case studies : Substantive representation of women in Asian parliaments / edited by Devin K. Joshi and Christian Echle
Equality -- Asia, Central : Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus : migration, democratisation and inequality in the post-Soviet era / edited by Sophie Hohmann, Claire Mouradian, Silvia Serrano and Julien Thorez