Environmental monitoring -- Cost effectiveness : Technologies to Enable Autonomous Detection for BioWatch : Ensuring Timely and Accurate Information for Public Health Officials : Workshop Summary
Environmental monitoring -- East Asia. : Managing the environment with rapid industrialisation : lessons from the East Asian experience / by David O'Connor
Environmental monitoring -- Economic aspects -- Australia. : Environmental research - the pay-off : economic evaluation of research in the CSIRO Institute of Natural Resources and Environment / case study analysis by Marc Carter and Ralph Young
Environmental monitoring -- Florida -- Everglades : Adaptive monitoring & assessment for the comprehensive Everglades restoration plan / Committee on Restoration of the Greater Everglades Ecosystem, Water Science and Technology Board, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies
Environmental monitoring -- Germany : Vegetationsökologisches Monitoring im Nationalpark Harz unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Schalenwild-Einflusses und der Waldstruktur
Environmental monitoring -- Government policy -- Mexico, Gulf of : On Scene Coordinator report, Deepwater Horizon oil spill, submitted to the National Response Team, September 2011 / [U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard, Federal On-Scene Coordinator]
Environmental monitoring -- Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region -- Remote sensing : Earth observation science and applications for risk reduction and enhanced resilience in Hindu Kush Himalaya Region : a decade of experience from SERVIR / Birendra Bajracharya, Rajesh Bahadur Thapa, Mir A. Matin, editors
Environmental Monitoring -- history : Managing the environment, managing ourselves : a history of American environmental policy / Richard N.L. Andrews
Environmental monitoring -- Malawi -- Chilwa, Lake, Watershed : Socio-ecological resilience to climate change in a fragile ecosystem : the case of the Lake Chilwa Basin, Malawi / edited by Sosten Chiotha, Daniel Jamu, Joseph Nagoli, Patrick Likongwe and Tembo Chanyenga