Endocrine glands -- Surgery -- Europe : Endocrine surgery comprehensive board exam guide / Alexander L. Shifrin, Marco Raffaelli, Gregory W. Randolph, Oliver Gimm, editors
Endocrine glands -- Surgery -- History : 'The supreme triumph of the surgeon's art' : a narrative history of endocrine surgery / edited by Martha A. Zeiger, MD, Wen T. Shen, MD MA, Erin A. Felger, MD
Endocrine glands -- Textbooks. : The endocrine system / Joy Hinson, Peter Raven, Shern Chew ; illustrations by Robert Britton
Endocrine gynecology -- Practice : Reproductive endocrinology and infertility : integrating modern clinical and laboratory practice / Douglas T. Carrell, C. Matthew Peterson, editors
Portable or implantable devices for infusion of insulin. Includes open-loop systems which may be patient-operated or controlled by a pre-set program and are designed for constant delivery of small quantities of insulin, increased during food ingestion, and closed-loop systems which deliver quantities of insulin automatically based on an electronic glucose sensor
Endocrine Surgical Procedures -- history : 'The supreme triumph of the surgeon's art' : a narrative history of endocrine surgery / edited by Martha A. Zeiger, MD, Wen T. Shen, MD MA, Erin A. Felger, MD
Syndromes resulting from inappropriate production of HORMONES or hormone-like materials by NEOPLASMS in non-endocrine tissues or not by the usual ENDOCRINE GLANDS. Such hormone outputs are called ectopic hormone (HORMONES, ECTOPIC) secretion