Here are entered works on modern electronic computers first developed after 1945. Works on present-day calculators, as well as on calculators and mechanical computers of pre-1945 vintage, are entered under Calculators --headings beginning with the word Computer
Electronic ceramics -- Materials -- Congresses : Electroceramics VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th international conference on electroceramics (ICHSM 2010), November 9-13, 2013, Joâo Pessoa, Brazil / edited by Daniel Z. de Florio [and three others]
Electronic ceramics -- Surfaces -- Congresses : Electroceramics VI : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 6th international conference on electroceramics (ICHSM 2010), November 9-13, 2013, Joâo Pessoa, Brazil / edited by Daniel Z. de Florio [and three others]
Here are entered works on services that allow a person, using a computer, to engage in an actual "conversation" with other people in real time. Works on services, commonly called newsgroups and LISTSERV lists, that allow a computer user to post messages to, and read messages from, a group of people who have a common interest, usually by means of the Internet, a commercial online service, or electronic mail are entered under Electronic discussion groups. Works on services that allow a computer user to post messages to, and read messages from, a group of people who have a common interest, via a dedicated telephone line established for the purpose, are entered under Computer bulletin boards --subdivision Online chat groups under subjects for online chat groups devoted to that subject
Electronic Cigarettes -- adverse effects : Analytical assessment of e-cigarettes : from contents to chemical and particle exposure profiles / Konstantinos E. Farsalinos [and others]
Electronic cigarettes -- Government policy -- Australia : E-cigarettes and the comparative politics of harm reduction : history, evidence and policy / Virginia Berridge, Ronald Bayer, Amy L. Fairchild, Wayne Hall, editors
Here are entered works on the technical aspects of making video recordings, i.e., creating and storing moving images in an electronic form and displaying them on an electronic display. Works on the artistic aspects of making video recordings are entered under Video recordings--Production and direction. Works on the technical aspects of making motion pictures and their projection onto a screen are entered under Cinematography. General works on motion pictures themselves, including motion pictures as an art form, copyrighting, distribution, editing, plots, production, etc. are entered under Motion pictures
Electronic circuit design -- See Also the narrower term Logic design
Electronic circuit design -- Computer simulation : Entwurf von digitalen Schaltungen und Systemen mit HDLs und FPGAs : einführung mit VHDL und SystemC / von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Kesel, Dr. Ruben Bartholomä ; Lektorat, Dr. Gerhard Pappert ; herstellung, Tina Bonertz