Electric networks -- Planning : Praxishandbuch Netzplanung und Netzausbau : Die Infrastrukturplanung der Energiewende in Recht und Praxis / herausgegeben von Herbert Posser, Kurt Fassbender
Electric networks -- Protection : Providing reliable operation of electric networks / edited by Alexander Yu. Khrennikov, Scientific & Research Centre of Federal Grid Company, United Energy System, Moscow, Russia, Alexey A. Kuvshinov, Togliatti State University, Togliatti, Russia, and Igor A. Shkuropat, Electroshield, Samara, Russia
Electric Organ : Sensory Systems Neuroscience, Volume 25 : Fish Physiology
Electric Organ -- physiology : The shocking history of electric fishes : from ancient epochs to the birth of modern neurophysiology / Stanley Finger, Marco Piccolino
Electric potential problem : Schaum's Electromagnetics Supplementary Problem 9-23: Electric Potential in Cylindrical Co-ordinates / Sudipa Mitra-Kirtley
Electric power -- Africa : Energy in Africa : challenges and opportunities / Manfred Hafner, Simone Tagliapietra, Lucia de Strasser
Electric power -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : The digital transformation and disruptive technologies : challenges and solutions for the electricity sector in African markets / Ijeoma Onyeji-Nwogu, Morgan Bazilian, and Todd Moss
Electric power -- Canada : A comparison of combustion technologies for electricity generation : 2006 update including a discussion of carbon capture and storage in an Ontario context / Rich Wong, Ed Whittingham
Electric power -- Case studies : Electrical power distribution : case studies from Distribution Reform, Upgrades and Management (DRUM) Program / compiled by Tetra Tech, DRUM Implementation Partner