Elections -- Mexico -- Oaxaca (State) : The suffragists = Las sufragistas / dirección, producción y guión, Ana Cruz ; producción asociada, Laura Imperiale ; dirección de fotografía, Erika Licea ; producción en línea, Nicolás Celis, Roxana Eisenmann, Alfredo Loaeza, Francisco Amezcua
Elections -- Mexico -- Public opinion : Confianza y cambio político en México: Contiendas elecstorales y el IFE / Reynaldo Yunen Ortega Ortiz, Ma. Fernand Somuano Ventura
Elections -- Middle East. : Political participation in the Middle East / edited by Ellen Lust-Okar and Saloua Zerhouni
Elections Middlesex (England) 1804 : The Middlesex election candidly considered in its cause and consequences : with a prefatory address. To which are added, a brief view of Sir Francis Burdett's conduct and character: and a short address to the freeholders of Middlesex. Second edition
Elections -- Minnesota : This is not Florida : how Al Franken won the Minnesota senate recount / Jay Weiner
Elections -- Mississippi : Investigation by the Senate of the State of Mississippi of the Charges of Bribery in the Election of a United States Senator
Elections -- Moldova : Cleft countries : regional political divisions and cultures in post-Soviet Ukraine and Moldova / Ivan Katchanovski ; with a foreword by Francis Fukuyama
Here are entered works on local elections and local election laws. Works on the electoral systems and election laws of individual local government units are entered under Elections --[local subdivision] or Election law --[local subdivision]
Elections -- New Hampshire -- History : The first primary : New Hampshire's outsize role in presidential nominations / David W. Moore and Andrew E. Smith
Elections -- New Zealand -- 21st century : A team of five million? : the 2020 'COVID-19' New Zealand general election / edited by Jennifer Curtin, Lara Greaves and Jack Vowles
Elections New Zealand Parliament : Electoral and constitutional change in New Zealand : an MMP source book / edited by Jonathan Boston ... [and others]
Elections -- Nicaragua -- Public opinion : Learning democracy : citizen engagement and electoral choice in Nicaragua, 1990-2001 / Leslie E. Anderson and Lawrence C. Dodd
Elections -- Ontario : Fighting for votes : parties, the media, and voters in an Ontario election / William P. Cross, Jonathan Malloy, Tamara A. Small, and Laura B. Stephenson