Educational law and legislation -- Australia -- Congresses. : Legal risk management safety security & success in education : proceedings of the 11th annual conference of the Australia and New Zealand Education Law Association, Brisbane, 2002 / editor: Doug Stewart
Educational law and legislation -- Czech Republic : Informační gramotnost jako veřejný zájem, politika a norma : návod na tvorbu koncepčních dokumentů v oblasti informačního vzdělávání / Michaela Dombrovská
Educational law and legislation -- Germany : Verstaatlichung der Kindeswohlentscheidung? : Zur verfassungsrechtlichen Bestimmung des schulischen Erziehungsrechts. Vortrag gehalten vor der Berliner Juristischen Gesellschaft am 27. September 1978 / Hans-Uwe Erichsen
Educational law and legislation -- History : School acts and the rise of mass schooling : education policy in the long Nineteenth Century / Johannes Westberg, Lukas Boser, Ingrid Brühwiler, editors
Educational law and legislation -- Kentucky : The common school laws of the state of Kentucky / edited and published. by Barksdale Hamlett, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Educational law and legislation -- Maryland : Centralizing tendencies in the administration of public education : a study of legislation for schools in North Carolina, Maryland, and New York since 1900 / by George D. Strayer, Jr., Ph.D
Educational law and legislation -- Massachusetts : The school and the working child being a study of the administration of certain laws pertaining to children in industry by fifty school departments of Massachusetts, by Mary A. Clapp, and Mabel A. Strong
Educational law and legislation -- Michigan : System of public instruction and primary school law of Michigan : with explanatory notes, forms, regulations and instructions ; a digest of decisions, a detailed history of public instruction and the laws relating thereto ; the history of and laws relating to incorporated institutions of learning &c. &c. / prepared by Francis W. Shearman, superintendent of public instruction