Education -- Middle East -- History -- 21st century : Education and the Arab Spring : resistance, reform, and democracy / edited by Eid Mohamed (Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, Qatar, University of Guelph, Canada), Hannah R. Gerber (Sam Houston State University, USA) and Slimane Aboulkacem (Sam Houston State University, USA) ; foreword by Bessma Momani
Education (Middle school) Learning disabled children : Differentiating science instruction and assessment for learners with special needs, K-8 / Kevin D. Finson, Christine K. Ormsbee, Mary M. Jensen ; proofreader, Victoria Reed-Castro ; cover designer, Rose Storey
Education (Middle school) Mentally ill children : Reaching and teaching stressed and anxious learners in grades 4-8 : strategies for relieving distress and trauma in schools and classrooms / Barbara E. Oehlberg
Education Midwives Zambia : Teaching Zambian traditional birth attendants to monitor growth of infants : evaluation of an education program / Esther Mambwe
Education Migrants Victoria : The Significance of demographic characteristics of the migrant population in Victoria for the Adult Migrant Education Program
Education Milingimbi (NT) : Teaching Aboriginal children : Milingimbi and beyond / edited by Michael Christie, Stephen Harris and David McClay
education Military Medicine : Establishing a research and evaluation capability for the joint medical education and training campus / Sheila Nataraj Kirby, Julie A. Marsh, Harry J. Thie
Education -- Minnesota : PBS NewsHour. How Minnesota's lack of teachers of color hurts students, and what reform could look like / [NewsHour Productions]
Éducation Minorités Chine (sud) : Lessons in being Chinese : minority education and ethnic identity in Southwest China / Mette Halskov Hansen
Education Minorités Etats-Unis : Mayors in the middle : politics, race, and mayoral control of urban schools / edited by Jeffrey R. Henig and Wilbur C. Rich
Éducation Minorités linguistiques : Can schools save indigenous languages? : policy and practice on four continents / edited by Nancy H. Hornberger