Education -- Aims and objectives -- Tonga : Relationality and learning in Oceania : contextualizing education for development / edited by Seu'ula Johansson-Fua, Rebecca Jesson, Rebecca Spratt and Eve Coxon
Education Ainu Australia : Indigenous minorities and education : Australian and Japanese perspectives of their Indigenous peoples, the Ainu, Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders / edited by Noel Loos, Takeshi Osanai
Education Air forces Officers : Educating air forces : global perspectives on airpower learning / edited by Randall Wakelam, David Varey, Emanuele Sica
Education -- Alabama -- History : Schools in the landscape : localism, cultural tradition, and the development of Alabama's public education system, 1865-1915 / Edith M. Ziegler
Education -- Alaska. : Implications of the Alaska education satellite communications demonstration for telecommunications & education policy makers : executive summary & supplement / prepared for National Institute of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare by PCI (Practical Concepts Incorporated)
Education Alaska Native children : Neuroscience & the classroom. Implications for schools. 6.2, Engaging Native Alaskan students / [produced by the Science Media Group at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics]
Education Alaska Natives : Communities of practice : an Alaskan native model for language teaching and learning / edited by Patrick E. Marlow and Sabine Siekmann
Education Alaska Natives History 20th century : The teacher and the superintendent : native schooling in the Alaskan interior, 1904-1918 / compiled and annotated by George E. Boulter II ; edited by Barbara Grigor-Taylor
Education Amarakaeir (Indiens) : Intercultural education and literacy : an ethnographic study of indigenous knowledge and learning in the Peruvian Amazon / Sheila Aikman
Education Amish Ohio Holmes County : An Amish paradox : diversity & change in the world's largest Amish community / Charles E. Hurst and David L. McConnell