Here are entered works on the study of the Greek and Latin languages and literatures. Works limited to a specific aspect of classical education are entered under the specific subject, e.g. Greek language--Study and teaching
Education, Humanistic -- Asia : Diversity and inclusion in global higher education : lessons from across Asia / Catherine Shea Sanger, Nancy W. Gleason, editors
Education, Humanistic -- Canada -- History : Liberal education, civic education, and the Canadian regime : past principles and present challenges / edited by David W. Livingstone
Education, Humanistic -- East Asia : Liberal Arts Education and Colleges in East Asia : Possibilities and Challenges in the Global Age / Insung Jung, Mikiko Nishimura, Toshiaki Sasao, Editors
Education, Humanistic -- Europe -- History. : Humanismus und Universitätsbesuch : die Wirkung italienischer Universitäten auf die studia humanitatis nördlich der Alpen = Renaissance humanism and university studies : Italian universities and their influence on the studia humanitatis in Northern Europe / by Agostino Sottili
Education, Humanistic -- Evaluation : Leadership and the liberal arts : achieving the promise of a liberal education / edited by J. Thomas Wren, Ronald E. Riggio, and Michael A. Genovese
Education, Humanistic -- Italy. : Physical education principles of selected Italian humanists of the quattrocento and cinquecento : exposition and comparison with modern principles / by Eleanor B. English
Education, Humanistic -- Italy -- History -- To 1500 : Humanism and education in medieval and Renaissance Italy : tradition and innovation in Latin schools from the twelfth to the fifteenth century / Robert Black