Education, Humanistic -- United States -- Bibliography. : Humanistic education : an interpretation : a report to the Ford Foundation / Elizabeth Leonie Simpson ; with a comprehensive annotated bibliography of humanistic education, by Mary Anne Gray
Education, Humanistic -- United States -- Influence : Humanities perspectives in peace education : re-engaging the heart of Peace Studies / edited by Nicole L. Johnson, University of Mount Union, foreword by Arun Gandhi
Education, Humanistic -- United States -- Periodicals. : Interdisciplinary humanities : dedicated to the teaching of integrated studies among the humanities, arts and related fields in schools, colleges and cultural institutions
Education Humboldt, Wilhelm von, 1767-1835 Knowledge Congresses : Los hermanos Alexander y Wilhelm von Humboldt en Colombia : huellas históricas de la cooperación científica entre dos continentes / Sven Werkmeister / Angélica Hernández Barajas, editores
education Hygiene : A history of women's menstruation from ancient Greece to the twenty-first century : psychological, social, medical, religious, and educational issues / Glenda Lewin Hufnagel ; with a foreword by Carolyn Stout Morgan
Education Hyperactive children Research Case studies : Propensity score matching: receipt of special education services : receipt of special education services for students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder / Yen M. To & Forrest C. Lane
Education Immigrant children Germany : Vom Umgang mit Migration und Ungleichheit in der Institution Schule : Fallstudie zu einer Schule mit einem hohen Anteil von Aussiedlerschülern / Anton Grosse
Education Immigrant children Ohio : Educating adolescent newcomers in the superdiverse Midwest : multilingual students in English-centric contexts / Brian David Seilstad