Education, Higher -- Practice : L'éthique professionnelle en enseignement supérieur : orientations et cas typiques / Christiane Gohier, France Jutras, Luc Desautels
Education (Higher) Pueblo Indians : Indigenous innovations in higher education : local knowledge and critical research / edited by Elizabeth Sumida Huaman and Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy (Arizona State University, USA)
Education, Higher -- Quality control -- Congresses : Quality assurance in higher education : trends in regulation, translation and transformation / edited by Don F. Westerheijden, Bjørn Stensaker, Maria João Rosa
Education (Higher) Quechua Indians Peru Cuzco : Enacting and envisioning decolonial forces while sustaining indigenous language : bilingual college students in the Andes / Yuliana Hevelyn Kenfield
Education (Higher) Racially mixed people : Preparing for higher education's mixed race future : why multiraciality matters / Marc P. Johnston-Guerrero, Lisa Delacruz Combs, Victoria K. Malaney-Brown, editors
Education (Higher) Reading : Reading and writing instruction in the twenty-first century : recovering and transforming the pedagogy of Robert Scholes / edited by Ellen C. Carillo
Education (Higher) Refugees Cross-cultural studies : Refugees and higher education : trans-national perspectives on access, equity, and internationalization / edited by Lisa Unangst, Hakan Ergin, Araz Khajarian, Tessa DeLaquil and Hans de Wit
Education (Higher) Refugees Germany : Design Thinking, Digitalisierung und Diversity Management : ein Praxisleitfaden für die Lehre / Katharina Gläsener, Thomas Afflerbach, Antje Ducki
Education (Higher) Refugees United States : Focusing on the underserved : immigrant, refugee, and indigenous Asian American and Pacific Islanders in higher education / edited by Sam D. Museus, Indiana University ; Amefil Agbayani, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa ; Doris M. Ching, University of Hawai'i
Education, Higher -- Research -- Africa : Knowledge production and contradictory functions in African higher education / edited by Nico Cloete, Peter Maassen and Tracy Bailey