Educação ambiental (congressos) : New tools for environmental protection : education, information, and voluntary measures / Thomas Dietz and Paul C. Stern, editors ; Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Educació clàssica. : A companion to the Classical tradition / edited by Craig W. Kallendorf ; advisory editors, Ward Briggs, Julia Gaisser, Charles Martindale
Educació de presos. : Histories and philosophies of carceral education : aims, contradictions, promises and problems / Marcus K. Harmes, Barbara Harmes, Meredith Harmes, editors
Educació dels pacients. : A clinician's guide to discussing obesity with patients / Sandra Christensen
Educació diferenciada. : School segregation and social cohesion in Santiago : perspectives from the Chilean experience / Andres Molina
Educació emocional. : Self-determination theory and socioemotional learning / Betsy Ng, editor
Educació en valors. : Visions of sustainability for arts education : value, challenge and potential / Benjamin Bolden, Neryl Jeanneret, editors
Educació física. : Multiple literacies for dance, physical education and sports / Stephen G. Mogge, Shelly Huggins, Jaye Knutson, Elin E. Lobel, Pamela Segal (editors)
Educació i desenvolupament econòmic. : Higher education, innovation and entrepreneurship from comparative perspectives : reengineering China through the Greater Bay economy and development / edited by Ka Ho Mok