Here are entered works on the relationship of humans to the natural environment viewed from a religious standpoint. Works on the movement that views ecological themes, including ecological crises, from a theological perspective are entered under Ecotheology
Ecotheology -- Cyprus : The ecology of coexistence and conflict in Cyprus : exploring the religion, nature, and culture of a Mediterranean island / Irene Dietzel
Ecotheology -- Latin America : Church, cosmovision, and the environment : religion and social conflict in contemporary Latin America / edited by Evan Berry and Robert Albro
Ecotones -- Himalaya Mountains : Ecology of Himalayan treeline ecotone / S P Singh, Zafar Ahmad Reshi, Rajesh Joshi, editors
Ecotones -- Middle West -- History : People of the ecotone : environment and indigenous power at the center of Early America / Robert Michael Morrissey
Ecotourism -- Amazon River Region : Impact of tourism. V, Ecotourism in the Amazon / a Samba Films production for TV Choice ; produced and directed by Roberto Mader
Ecotourism -- America : Ecotourism and conservation in the Americas / edited by Amanda Stronza and William H. Durham
Ecotourism -- Asia : Nature-based tourism in Asia's mountainous protected areas : a trans-regional review of peaks and parks / Thomas E. Jones, Huong T. Bui, Michal Apollo, editors
Ecotourism -- Australia -- Great Barrier Reef (Qld.) : Sustainable tourism planning : a model for world heritage areas : a planning project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Regional and Resource Planning, at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand / Britt M. Moore
Ecotourism -- Australia -- History. : The pursuit of wonder : how Australia's landscape was explored, nature discovered and tourism unleashed / Julia Horne
Ecotourism -- Australia -- Melbourne (Vic.) : A tourism & recreation strategy for the western wetlands region of Melbourne / David Foster (Department of Leisure Studies, Phillip Institute of Technology)
Ecotourism -- Australia, Northern. : Indigenous community development and self employment : with case studies in eco-tourism in North Australia / Don Fuller, Myles Howard and Jeremy Buultjens
Ecotourism -- Australia -- Northern Territory. : Indigenous community development and self employment : with case studies in eco-tourism in North Australia / Don Fuller, Myles Howard and Jeremy Buultjens
Ecotourism -- Australia -- Planning. : Steps to sustainable tourism : planning a sustainable future for tourism, heritage and the environment : a tool to use when managing and developing regions, places and tourism products / [Dept. of the Environment and Heritage]
Ecotourism -- Australia -- South Australia -- Evaluation. : Dream green : South Australia's future in eco-tourism / prepared by Explore International Pty. Ltd. ; with the assistance of James Bucirde, Jodie Collins, Kristi O'Brien