Ecological surveys -- India : Spatial dynamics and ecology of large ungulate populations in tropical forests of India / N. Samba Kumar, K. Ullas Karanth, James D. Nichols, Srinivas Vaidyanathan, Beth Gardner, Jagdish Krishnaswamy
Ecological surveys -- Methodology -- Congresses. : Survey methods for nature conservation : proceedings of a workshop held at Adelaide University, 31 August-2 September 1983 / edited by K. Myers and C.R. Margules and I. Musto
Ecological surveys -- New Zealand. : Studying temperate marine environments : a handbook for ecologists / edited by Michael Kingsford and Christopher Battershill
A functional system which includes the organisms of a natural community together with their environment. (McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Systems that provide for the maintenance of life in an isolated living chamber through reutilization of the material available, in particular, by means of a cycle wherein exhaled carbon dioxide, urine, and other waste matter are converted chemically or by photosynthesis into oxygen, water, and food. (NASA Thesaurus, 1988)
A functional system which includes the organisms of a natural community together with their environment. (McGraw Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed)
Ecological systems : Individuals and communities / prepared by the Ecology Course Team of the Open University (i.e. S323 Course Team)
Here are entered works on structures employing materials, equipment, and techniques in construction that maximize a structure's energy efficiency and minimize its adverse impact on the natural environment
Écologie -- Amérique latine. : The Fragile tropics of Latin America : sustainable management of changing environments / edited by Toshie Nishizawa and Juha I. Uitto
Écologie animale. : Behavioural ecology : an evolutionary approach / edited by John R. Krebs, Chief Executive of the Natural Environment Research Council and Royal Society, Research Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, and Nicholas B. Davies, Professor of Behavioural Ecology, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge
Écologie d'eau douce. : Algal ecology : freshwater benthic ecosystems / edited by R. Jan Stevenson, Max L. Bothwell, Rex L. Lowe
Écologie des cours d'eau. : Restoring life in running waters : better biological monitoring / James R. Karr and Ellen W. Chu
Écologie des eaux -- Effets de l'homme. : The silicon cycle : human perturbations and impacts on aquatic systems / edited by Venugopalan Ittekkot [and others]