Description |
1 online resource (viii, 228 pages) : illustrations |
Series |
Series on innovation in structures and construction ; vol. 2 |
Series on innovation in structures and construction ; vol. 2.
Contents |
Recent earthquakes. 1. Observations from two recent earthquakes Kocaeli, Turkey and Mt. Parnes, Greece -- 2. Observations on damage of R/C structures in the northern Athens, Greece earthquake of September 1999 -- 3. Damage of bridges in the 1999 Kocaeli, Turkey and Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquakes -- 4. Temporary restoration guide for RC school buildings damaged by the 21.9.99 Chichi earthquake -- 5. Response of buildings designed according to the old and new Greek Seismic Code to the 7.9.99 Athens earthquake -- 6. Recent earthquake damage in Europe and implications for loss estimation methodologies -- 7. Vulnerability functions for Japanese buildings based on damage data from the 1995 Kobe earthquake -- Engineering seismology and geotechnics. 8. Modelling of stress-strain relationships of a reconstituted gravel subjected to large cyclic loading -- 9. The feasibility of using real accelerograms for seismic design -- 10. Elaboration of a SSI macro-element with uplift of shallow foundation -- Structural earthquake engineering. 11. Experimental studies of the response of hollow bridge piers -- 12. Seismic design of steel frames with bolted beam-to-column connections -- 13. A transparent nonlinear method for seismic performance evaluation -- 14. Seismic performance of bridge columns with interlocking ties -- 15. An evaluation of load carrying capacity of beam-to-column connections limited by fracture -- 16. Loading criteria of a multi-axial non-linear restoring force model of a structure using the theory of plasticity -- 17. Reinforced masonry walls under seismic actions |
Summary |
The response of civil engineering works to earthquakes is the only real and conclusive proof of their adequacy or otherwise. However, earthquakes as natural geological phenomena are few and far-between, which is fortunate from a human point of view. Therefore, drawing important lessons from each and every earthquake is vital for improving the understanding of their effects and consequently for mitigating the effects of future earthquakes. It is in this context that this volume has been written, where a number of distinguished and internationally renowned earthquake engineers make contributions largely based on lessons from recent earthquakes. In particular, studies of the Kobe earthquake of 1995 and the more recent devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Greece (August and September 1999, respectively) are included. Through assimilation of the lessons learnt and dissemination of this information, it is hoped that, future earthquakes will not exact such a heavy toll |
Bibliography |
Includes bibliographical references |
Notes |
Print version record |
Subject |
Earthquake hazard analysis -- Congresses
Earthquake resistant design -- Congresses
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING -- Civil -- Earthquake.
Earthquake hazard analysis
Earthquake resistant design
Genre/Form |
Conference papers and proceedings
Form |
Electronic book
Author |
Antoniou, S
Elnashai, A. S. (Amr S.)
9781848160194 |
1848160194 |