Earthquake Resistant Engineering Structures XI -- Copyright Page -- Preface -- Contents -- Rocking of multiblock stone classical columns -- Methodology for the dynamic analysis of buildings subjected to seismic actions: incorporating the effect of non-structural elements -- Feasibility study for a new structural system to resist the collapse of reinforced concrete frame structures in earthquakes -- Finite element modeling of reinforced concrete structural walls for performance-based seismic design
Assessment of the response reduction factors of plan-irregular RC buildingsAssessment and performance-based design of the strengthening of existing structures following the 2015 Nepal earthquakes -- Seismic performance of a masonry building isolated with low-cost rubber isolators -- Seismic damage assessment of RC building with the transfer slab system -- Construction of precast concrete shells in Georgia -- Seismic vulnerability appraisal according to the Algerian building context
In its 11th year, and reporting on the latest research on preparation for and mitigation of future earthquakes, this volume examines an area of increasing importance to many countries around the world. ERES 2017 assembled experts from around the world to present their research in the fields of earthquake engineering relevant to the design of structures